Hitachi Astemo Job Vacancy in Noida : हिताची कंपनी कंपनी ने आईटीआई और डिप्लोमा छात्र के लिए जारी की बंपर भर्ती
Company Name | Hitachi Astemo Company |
Company Location | Hitachi Astemo Company, Noida |
Total Post | 100 Vacancy |
Gender Required | Only Male Candidate |
Age Limit | 18 Years To 24 Years |
Qualification :- ITI, Diploma
- ITI Trade :- ITI in Electrical, Mechanical, Fitter, Welder trades
- Diploma Trade :- Diploma in Electrical, Electronics, Mechanical, Automobile
Job Profile :-
- Apprentice (ITI)
- DET (Diploma Engineer Trainee)
Department :- Production Dept
Duty Hours :- 8 Hours + Overtime
Duty :- 26 Duty and 4 Sunday Off
Salary Package
- Apprentice (ITI): 11,500 INR in hand for 8 hours/day
- DET( Diploma): 13,500 INR in hand for 8 hours/day
Other Benefits:
- Free Transportation
- Canteen Subsidy
- Overtime Pay (Double)
Additional Requirements:
Candidates should be ready to work in rotational shifts.
This position offers an opportunity for both Diploma holders and ITI graduates in specified
disciplines to join the Production Department of Hitachi Astemo in Noida.
Documents Required :-
- Resume
- मार्कशीट ओरिजिनल एवं फोटोकॉपी
- आधार कार्ड ओरिजिनल एवं फोटोकॉपी
- पैन कार्ड ओरिजिनल एवं फोटोकॉपी
- बैंक पासबुक फोटोकॉपी
- चार पासपोर्ट साइज फोटो
Interview Location :- Hitachi Astemo Company, Noida
Interview Date:- 01/05/2024 TO 15/07/2024
Interview Time :- 8:00AM To 10:00AM
Contact To: Akash
+91 8306755587